Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Same Sky

"SAME SKY provides employment to HIV-positive women in Rwanda 
struggling to lift themselves out of poverty. Empowered as artisans, 
they’re proudly rebuilding their lives. Our mission is to use jewelry to 
effect global change—one woman at a time." 

LOV Project

I am obsessed with the Living One Vision Project. They are a company founded by two women, Anooshka Zakarian and Ani Karapetian. LOV P produces organic silk scarves made by impoverished and disabled workers in Kerala, India. In return, they are  rehabilitated, provided free housing, & medical care. 

"Our mission began in with visiting orphanages in South India, it was an incredibly enriching journey. Armenia will soon follow, as we are inspired to take the L.O.V project global."

"We are two women on a mission to make life more bearable for those of less fortune in this vast and ever changing world. Carrying the bird as our symbol for change and prosperity we have developed LOV (Live One Vision Project), a grassroots movement to bring the freedom of a bird, the breath of its wing span into the daily lives of women and children."